Evil looking decorations hanging on a home Christmas tree.

Home For Christmas

Sunlight filtered through the blinds of the lonely hospital room. Six-year-old Tommy Morsley lay in his bed, surrounded by sterile white walls and machines with coloured lights and dials. Above Tommy’s bed hung a sign saying “Home for Christmas”. The hospital room had been his home for the past three months. Next to him sat his father, Doctor Ian Morsley, a Professor of Antiviral Engineering working for the Health Department of the South Pacific Government. Tommy looked at the large needle in his father’s hand. “Is that going to help me, Dad?” he asked. “I’m not sure, Tommy. I hope so.” Tommy stared into his father’s eyes. “Will I be home for Christmas?” “Yes, Tommy,” said his father with a smile. “Of course you will. I promise.” Tommy tried to smile, his eyes drowsy once more. “Are you staying, Dad?” “I have an experiment to complete,” he said. “Then I’ll bring you some food. How about fish and chips?” Tommy didn’t […]

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