Image of a plane flying in front of the sun, blocking its rays.

Life In The Shadow

1. Max Tanner sprinted across the tarmac. Airport security launched the pursuit, screaming into their radios as they ran. The Boeing 737-800 made a deafening sound as it accelerated along the runway approaching take-off velocity. Max looked over his shoulder making a slight directional adjustment, praying his calculations were correct. Whatever the outcome, he’d have to deal with it on the other side. He had no more cards to play. The younger, healthier security staff had almost caught up when an airport police vehicle came up beside him. A man in a grey uniform sat in the passenger seat waving his arms and yelling out the window. Max didn’t understand a word he said, but knew exactly what he suggested. He continued running as fast as he could, looking over his shoulder again as the 737 lifted off the ground with a roar. Within the next three seconds he needed to be in the space the police car occupied. With no […]

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