Image of swords used in the house of Old Man Langly.

Old Man Langly

Roy Banner stood over the lifeless body of his friend Peter. Blood dripped from the swords in his hands. The others would have to kill him for what he’d done. The problem was, he was already dead. They watched him die. The devil took him into the bowels of hell and spat him back out to wreak more havoc. Eddie and Steve looked on in horror, crouched behind an old sixties-style sofa. “What the fuck do we do now?” whispered Eddie. “We keep going,” said Steve. “We download the file and get the hell out of here.” “What about Peter and Roy? And what the fuck is Roy anyway?” “Don’t worry. Once we get out we’ll tip-off the cops from a phone booth.” “A PHONE BOOTH?” yelled Steve a little too loudly. “When was the last time you saw a fucking phone booth?” Roy stared in their direction, his eyes white and gloomy. Steve and Eddie looked at each other and […]

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Image of two hands warming around a candle.

In Better Hands

Ryan sat quietly in the rain, clenching his hands tightly in his lap, listening but not really paying attention to the spoken words. Could there be a more sombre occasion? Many would say yes. Only a few would remember the funeral of Fran Wilcox. A total of four enhanced the occasion with their presence. Two aging, scruffy looking women stood back under the shelter of a weeping willow, gently sobbing. They played bingo with Fran on a Thursday night and were the sum of her recent social partnerships. Their tears were genuinely sympathetic to her passing, but they were unaware of the real hardships and sorrow Fran endured during her troubled life. One of the other two attending was Fran’s only son, Ryan. He sat politely listening to the two-dollar priest give his two-dollar service. With a glaze over his eyes, he stared deeply into the final resting place of his dearly beloved mother. His mind sifted through the bad memories, […]

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