A water lily in a pond, found by Charlotte during her swimming lessons.

Swimming Lessons

“Wake up, sweetie,” whispered Charlotte’s father, nudging her shoulder. “You have swimming lessons today.” “Okay, Dad,” said Charlotte between yawns. “I’m awake.” Charlotte rolled over one last time before sitting up. She leapt out of bed, put on her swimmers and looked out the window. Sparkling water lapped against the window sill. It stretched out to the horizon. Far out in the water, on the edge of a rectangular swimming pool, sat Charlotte’s swimming teacher, Denise. “I’ll see you at the pool, Dad,” yelled Charlotte, opening the window and splashing into the water. She swam better than she’d ever swam before until reaching the rectangular pool. “Hello, Charlotte,” said teacher Denise. “What are you doing here?” “I’m waiting for my dad,” replied Charlotte. “I have swimming lessons today.” “Well then,” cried teacher Denise. “There’s no time to lose.” She tossed a dive stick into the centre of the pool. “Bring me that dive stick,” she said sternly. Charlotte took a deep […]

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Image of the remains of a destroyed industrial city.

The Dream Writer

How can they expect any sane man to live under these conditions? That was the only question left on his tired mind. He’d lost all hope. His world consisted of a small, windowless concrete room with a single bed and a round-edged side-table securely bolted to the floor. A small, filthy toilet and plastic hand basin occupied the corner opposite his bed. A red button on the wall was his only connection to the attendant somewhere outside, who rarely responded. After five years the world beyond those grey walls was just a memory, and well out of sight. But who in their right mind would want to see the world in such a shattered, desolate state? It’s only a dream, he told himself with all the doubt and disbelief of a man approaching the end of his miserable life. The fact that dreams could come true, as well as nightmares, had become just as real as the cell he now called […]

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